What do you know about Abinplast drip irrigation tape? Maybe until a few years ago, there was not much news about drip irrigation in the agricultural system of the country. But nowadays, most of the lands are irrigated by drip or micro irrigation, and therefore, it is important to get information about drip irrigation methods.
It is interesting to know that the idea of drip irrigation dates back to distant civilizations. But this idea has been used in Poland since the 1960s, and for the first time, it has irrigated Polish Simcha farmlands. Drip irrigation tape is just one of the cost-effective and efficient methods of drip irrigation that has attracted many farmers.
Drip irrigation has many advantages. including that it prevents fertilizer and mineral and organic substances from being washed away from the plant; With local irrigation, it prevents the growth of weeds and achieves maximum efficiency from water. The method of drip irrigation includes the mechanism of water transfer from the source to the agricultural land.
This method has a variety of systems and equipment, one of which is the drip irrigation tape. This strip is less thick than the dripper tubes and with more flexibility, it helps to water the plants better.